

Link or unlink device or app
Strava Loading

To unlink Strava, please click on ‘Unlink Strava’.

To link your Strava account:

  1. Make sure you've downloaded the Strava app for iOS or Android
  2. In AIA Vitality, click on the ‘Link my Strava account’ button
  3. Log in to your Strava account or create a new Strava account
  4. Click on the ‘Login/Authorize’ button to authorise the connection and link your Strava account to AIA Vitality

We're just updating things on our end. Please check back later.

Your Strava app will send us your most recent activity data shortly. If nothing appears after 48 hours, check your Strava  account has been saving your data correctly.

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/link-device-or-app/activity-tracking-panels/pa-speed-calories
Step Points available
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Points available
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/link-device-or-app/activity-tracking-panels/pa-all/speed-calories-accordion
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/link-device-or-app/devices-panel/2-devices-and-apps/strava/FAQs
Step FAQs
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false

How do I make sure my fitness tracking data syncs to AIA Vitality so I can receive points?

Remember to sync your Strava account frequently with your AIA Vitality app by opening it on a regular basis.


I've linked my Strava app but the above status still shows a "Pending" message. What's going on?

"Pending" will appear when AIA Vitality is waiting on your Strava  app to send us your recent activity data. If this message persists after 48 hours, please check that your Strava account has been saving your activity data correctly.


I haven't received points for my activity today even though I have qualified?
Sometimes the points can take up to 24 hours to allocate.