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Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/01-servings
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Panel visible on load?: false


Servings icon


* required

In an average week, how often do you:

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/01-servings/01-meals
Step Meals
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Panel visible on load?: false
Skip breakfast? *
Eat 4 or more meals from sit-down or take away restaurants? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/01-servings/02-wholegrains
Step Wholegrains
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Panel visible on load?: false
Eat less than 3 servings of wholegrain or high-fibre products a day? *

One wholegrain serving = 1 slice of 100% wholegrain bread, OR 2/3 cup wholegrain or high fibre cereal, OR 3 wholegrain crackers, OR 1/2 cup cooked brown rice or whole wheat pasta 

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/01-servings/03-fruits-veg
Step Fruits and vegetables
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Panel visible on load?: false
Fruits and vegetables
Eat less than 2 servings of fruit a day? *

One fruit serving = 1 cup OR 1 medium fruit OR 2 small fruits


Eat less than 5-6 servings of vegetables or legumes a day? *

e.g. green leafy vegetables, green beans, cauliflower, mixed vegetables (carrot, corn and green peas)

One vegetable serving = 1/2 cup cooked vegetables, canned beans, OR 1 cup green leafy or raw salad, OR 1/2 medium potato or starchy vegetables, OR 1 medium tomato


Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/01-servings/04-dairy-alternatives
Step Dairy and alternatives
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Panel visible on load?: false
Dairy and alternatives
Eat or drink less than 2.5 - 4 servings of milk, yoghurt, or cheese (mostly reduced fat varieties), calcium fortified soy milk a day? *

One dairy serving = 1 cup milk or calcium fortified soy milk OR 3/4 cup yoghurt OR 40grams of cheese


Use full-cream milk instead of skinny (fat-free) or 2% (low-fat) milk? *
Use regular cheese like full-fat cheese (e.g. processed cheese, cheddar, camembert) instead of low-fat or part-fat cheeses as a snack, on sandwiches and pizzas, crackers, and in cooking? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/02-meat-poultry-fish
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Panel visible on load?: true

Meat, poultry and fish

Meats icon

* required

In an average week, how often do you:

Eat high-fat cuts of meat more than twice a week? *

e.g. pork belly, pork ribs, roasted pork, fatty beef, beef brisket, lamb brisket, chicken wings, chicken feet, and/or goose wings


Eat more than 180 grams of meat, chicken or turkey a day? *

90 grams of meat or chicken = size of a deck of cards for ONE of the following: 1 regular hamburger patty, 1 chicken breast or leg (thigh and drumstick), or 1 pork chop


Choose higher-fat red meats instead of lean red meat, skinless chicken and turkey and fish? *

e.g. fatty beef, beef brisket, rump steak, ribs, sausages, luncheon meat, bacon, and/or Chinese sausages


Eat the skin on chicken and turkey or the fat on meat? *
Use regular high-fat processed meats instead of low-fat processed meats? *

high-fat processed meat = fatty beef, beef brisket, rump steak, ribs, sausages, luncheon meat, bacon, and/or Chinese sausages

low-fat processed meat = lean ham, cooked cold roast beef, cold turkey slices


Eat fatty fish more than twice per week? *

e.g. sardines, pichards, salmon, trout or mackerel

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/03-extras
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Panel visible on load?: true

The extras

Snacks icon


* required

In an average week, how often do you:

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/03-extras/01-fats-snacks
Step Fats and snacks
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Panel visible on load?: false
Fats and snacks
Eat fried foods? *

e.g. deep-fried chicken, fried fish or hot chips, fried onion rings and tempura


Eat regular potato chips, nachos, corn chips, high-fat crackers and commercial popcorn, instead of pretzels, low-fat crackers and air-popped popcorn? *
Use full-fat salad dressing and mayonnaise instead of low-fat or fat-free salad dressing and mayonnaise? *
Add cream, coconut milk, creamy sauces and/or butter during or after cooking? *
Use high-fat cooking methods as opposed to low-fat cooking methods ? *

e.g. high-fat cooking methods = deep frying

e.g. low-fat coodking methods = steaming, poaching, and boiling

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/03-extras/02-sweet-salty
Step Sweet and salty
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Panel visible on load?: false
Sweet and salty
Eat sweet foods instead of fresh fruit, yoghurts or plain (unsalted) nuts? *

e.g. cake, biscuits, pastries, doughnuts, muffins, and chocolate


Drink 500ml or more of non-diet soft drink or cordials a day? *

e.g. Coke, Fanta, Sprite

1 can of soft drink = 375ml


Eat high sodium (salt) processed foods? *

e.g. canned soup or canned pasta, meat or vegetables, frozen and pre-packaged meals (instant meals) or pretzels


Add salt or high-salt condiments to foods during cooking or at the table? *

e.g. chicken powder, soy sauce

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/04-additional-info
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Panel visible on load?: true

More dietary info

Meal preparation icon

* required

In an average week, do you:

Usually shop and prepare your own food? *
Ever have trouble being able to shop or cook? *
Follow a special diet, eat or limit certain foods for health or other reasons? *
How willing are you to make changes to: what, how or how much you eat in order to eat healthier? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/05-results
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Panel visible on load?: true

Your online nutrition results

Online nutrition icon


Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/05-results/01-panel-where-we-are-doing-well
Step Where you're doing well
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Panel visible on load?: false
Where you're doing well
Good results api response
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/online-nutrition-assessment/online-nutrition-assessment-form/05-results/02-panel-where-we-are-doing-bad
Step Where you could improve
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Panel visible on load?: false
Where you could improve
Bad results api response