AIA Vitality Health Check
Earn points for getting an annual health check with your health professional.
Earn up to 6,000 AIA Vitality points per membership year
Complete every
(membership year)
6,000 points
There are four simple measures you can test that can tell you a lot about your current state of health: Body Mass Index (BMI), Blood pressure, Cholesterol and Glucose levels.
For each test, you'll earn: 750 points for getting tested and an extra 750 points if and when each result is within the healthy range.

total up to
1,500 points/year

750 points
when measured
+ 750 points
if in healthy range:
18.5 - 24.9
Blood pressure
total up to
1,500 points/year

750 points
when measured
+ 750 points
if in healthy range:
<140/90 mm/Hg
total up to
1,500 points/year

750 points
when measured
+ 750 points
if in healthy range:
<5.5 mmol/Hg
Blood glucose
total up to
1,500 points/year

750 points
when measured
+ 750 points
if in healthy range:
Fasting glucose <5.5 mmol/L
Random glucose <7.8 mmol/L
Download the AIA Vitality Advanced Screening form
Visit your Health Professional (don't forget your AIA Vitality Advanced Screening form)
Note: Make sure your Health Professional verifies your results by completing and signing your Advanced Screening form
Click on 'Submit results' to upload a photo of your completed form and verified health results
The healthy range thresholds (clinically-determined ranges), are intended to be used for adults aged 18+ years. Any AIA Vitality member aged under 18 years old is still able to complete an AIA Vitality Health Check and earn points for both attendance and healthy range results - however, any member aged under 18 years is advised to contact their health professional for the clinically-determined healthy range results for their age.
To get the full 6,000 AIA Vitality points, you'll need to complete each of the below tests. You'll get 750 AIA Vitality points for each test and an additional 750 for each result that is within the healthy range.
HEALTHY RANGES (for adults aged 18 years and older):
BMI: 18.5 – 24.9
Blood pressure: <140/90mm/Hg
Cholesterol: <5.5mmol/L
Blood glucose (fasting): <5.5mmol/L
Blood glucose (random): <7.8mmol/L
One of my results was not in a healthy range when I first did the test, but I've had the test done again and my result has improved:
Yes. Simply upload your new results on this page (ensure the result has been verified by your health professional) and you'll be awarded the points.
Please note that healthy range thresholds (clinically-determined ranges, used to determine if your results qualify for AIA Vitality points) are intended to be used for adults aged 18+ years. Any AIA Vitality member aged under 18 years old is still able to complete an AIA Vitality Health Check and earn points for both attendance and healthy range results - however, any member aged under 18 years is advised to contact their health professional for the clinically-determined healthy range results for their age.