Dr. Jaime Lee and Laura Henshaw: A Conversation about Independence

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Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/go/rewards/aia-vitality-at-home-landing/aia-live/conversation-about-independence/1---panel---med-breakfast-beans/2-panel--complete-the-assessment
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For many, starting a business means making compromises – often our social life, our wellbeing, and even our families can take a backseat. In this honest and eye-opening discussion, medical doctor and health and performance expert Dr. Jaime Lee sits down with Laura Henshaw, founder of Keep It Cleaner, to discuss the ins and outs of running your own business while maintaining independence and keeping yourself in check. They’ll discuss the meaning of independence, and how important it is to have it in all facets of life, prioritising mental health, and staying up – even when you’re feeling down.

Running time: 17 minutes