AIA Vitality Health Review

Take the first step towards knowing your health - discover your AIA Vitality Age.


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Learn how healthy you are with your AIA Vitality Health Review (VHR)

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How it works

Complete every
(membership year) 

1,000 points

The VHR is an online assessment based on your lifestyle, behaviours, and physical activity levels that
takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Once completed:

  • You'll uncover your AIA Vitality Age
  • We may give you some Goals to activate and help your on your way to better health (you'll get points for completing those too!)


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Start my VHR

Click on "Start my VHR" and, remember, the more honest you are with your answers, the more accurate our feedback will be.

Important notes

Alcohol and tobacco: The AIA Vitality Health Review contains questions about alcohol and tobacco usage.The sale of alcohol and tobacco products to anyone aged under 18 years of age is illegal in Australia.

If pregnant, please speak to your healthcare provider about healthy weight gain and monitoring your health measures. BMI and waist circumference as health measures do not apply during pregnancy. 

Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated using only your weight and height which means that sometimes it may give an inaccurate indication of body composition (e.g. body builders), where body fat percentage or waist circumference measure may be more accurate. As a screening tool, BMI is a widely accepted, reliable indicator of a person's weight status for the majority of the population.

Other measures taken during any other AIA Vitality screening may affect your AIA Vitality Age, and the overall evaluation of your health status; including the feedback you are given, and the goals recommended for you.


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This is general information only. The results of each of these assessments or tools cannot replace any advice from a doctor or other health professional. You should obtain professional advice from a medical practitioner, pharmacist, dentist, nutritionist or other appropriate health professional in relation to your own personal circumstances or in relation to the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. You should not discontinue any treatment you may be receiving on the basis of information reflected on this site without first consulting your healthcare provider. Medicines you use for your physical or mental health may also affect the results of your assessments or tools. You should also seek professional advice immediately should any symptoms you may be experiencing persist. If necessary, you should regularly consult with such a professional. For further information, please see our Terms and Conditions.

Any information you provide as part of the assessments or tools will not be provided to the underwriting or claims departments of AIA Australia Ltd and therefore will not be used in the making of any future underwriting or claims decisions. Under no circumstances will AIA Australia Ltd be deemed to have knowledge of any AIA Vitality–related information in respect of its underwriting and claims functions. In accordance with your statutory duty of disclosure, you are still obliged to disclose any of this information to the extent it may be relevant in the event of any future application for insurance cover with AIA Australia Ltd. For more information please see our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.