Edit form
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/2---panel---your-medical-history
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false

Your medical history 

Medical history icon

Have you ever been diagnosed by a doctor or prescribed medication for any of the following medical conditions?
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/2---panel---your-medical-history/1-1-female-pregnant
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
Are you currently pregnant? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/3---panel---your-family-medical-history
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true

Your family's medical history

Family medical history icon

Has anyone in your family ever been diagnosed by a doctor or prescribed medication for any of the following medical conditions?
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/4---panel---your-key-measurements
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true

Your key measurements

Measurements icon


* required

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/4---panel---your-key-measurements/41---panel---key-measurements
Step Key measurements
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Key measurements

Please enter in centimeters

(1 inch = 2.54 centimeters)

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/4---panel---your-key-measurements/42---panel---your-weight
Step Your weight
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Your weight
Which statement best describes how you feel about your weight? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/4---panel---your-key-measurements/43---panel---your-levels
Step Your levels
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Your levels

Your blood pressure, random glucose and cholesterol levels are based on health results that AIA Vitality received in the past 12 months. Upload more recent results by completing the Vitality Health Check.

Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
Blood Pressure Range *
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
Blood Glucose Range *
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
Cholesterol Range *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/5---panel---your-tobacco-intake
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true

Your alcohol & tobacco intake

Alcohol and tobacco intake icon


* required

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/5---panel---your-tobacco-intake/1-alcohol-intake
Step Your alcohol intake
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Your alcohol intake
On average, how many alcoholic drinks do you consume per day? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/5---panel---your-tobacco-intake/2-tobaccousage
Step Your tobacco intake
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Your tobacco intake
Do you use any tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, or snuff? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/5---panel---your-tobacco-intake/2-1exsmoker
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
Please indicate which of the following tobacco products you previously used: *
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
per day
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/5---panel---your-tobacco-intake/2-2smoker
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
Please indicate which of the following tobacco product you use: *
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
per day
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/5---panel---your-tobacco-intake/2-2smoker/2-2-2habits
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Please choose the option that best describes your smoking habits *
Please select a valid Panel
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/7---panel---your-eating-habits
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true

Your eating habits

Meal habits icon


* required

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/7---panel---your-eating-habits/71----panel---servings
Step Servings
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
How many servings of vegetables do you eat per day? (1 serving = ½ cup cooked vegetables) *
How many servings of fruit do you eat per day? (1 serve = 1 piece medium sized fruit e.g. apple) *
How many servings of whole grains do you eat per day? (1 serve = 1 slice 100% whole grain bread) *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/7---panel---your-eating-habits/72---panel---meal-preparation
Step Meal preparation
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Meal preparation
You prepare meals using higher fat cooking methods such as deep frying: *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/7---panel---your-eating-habits/73---panel----salt
Step Salt
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
The salt you add to foods while preparing your food, and/or at the table adds up to the following over the course of the day: *
You eat salty foods (salty snacks, canned food, packet soups, instant noodles, soy sauce, stock cubes): *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/7---panel---your-eating-habits/74---panel---meat-and-dairy
Step Meat and dairy
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Meat and dairy
You eat lean meats (skinless chicken, turkey, fish, kangaroo and lean red meats) instead of higher fat meats (lamb chops, sausage, steak with visible fat): *
You eat or drink low-fat (semi-skimmed) or fat-free (skinny) dairy products (milk as a drink or in cereal, and low-fat or fat-free free yogurt) instead of full fat dairy products: *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/7---panel---your-eating-habits/75---panel---sugar-and-sweeteners
Step Sugar and sweeteners
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Sugar and sweeteners
How many servings of the following do you eat per day: cakes, pastries, high fat biscuits, doughnuts, processed meat, margarines, potato chips, deep fried foods (e.g. fried chicken, french fries)? *
How many sugar-containing beverages do you drink per day (e.g. non-diet carbonated beverages, iced-tea, soft drink, cordial)? *
How many cups of sugar-sweetened tea/coffee do you drink per day? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---your-physical-activity-level-
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true

Your physical activity & sleeping habits

Exercise and sleep icon


* required

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---your-physical-activity-level-/81---panel---exercise-frequency
Step Exercise frequency
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Exercise frequency
How many days a week do you exercise? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---your-physical-activity-level-/81---panel---exercise-frequency/811---panel---your-exercise
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
How intense are your exercise sessions? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---your-physical-activity-level-/83---panel---seated-activities
Step Seated activities
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Seated activities

On an average day, how many hours do you spend doing the following activities?

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---your-physical-activity-level-/84---panel---exercise-habits
Step Exercise habits
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Exercise habits
Which statement best describes your exercise habits? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---your-physical-activity-level-/sleep-patterns
Step Sleeping habits
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Sleeping habits
Please select a valid Panel
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/10---panel---your-wellbeing
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true

Your wellbeing

Wellbeing icon


* required

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/10---panel---your-wellbeing/101---panel---current-wellbeing
Step Current wellbeing
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Current wellbeing

During the last 30 days, how often did you:

All the time
All the time
All the time
All the time
All the time
All the time
All the time
All the time
All the time
All the time
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/10---panel---your-wellbeing/102---panel---stress-perception
Step Stress perception
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Stress perception
Which statement best describes your perception of your stress? *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---vhr-result
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---vhr-result/81---panel---your-aia-vitality-age
Step Your AIA Vitality age
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Your AIA Vitality age
Age api response
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---vhr-result/82---panel---where-we-re-doing-well
Step Where you're doing well
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Where you're doing well
Good results api response
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---vhr-result/83---panel---where-you-could-improve
Step Where you could improve
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Where you could improve
Bad results api response
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/aia-vitality-health-review/vhr/8---panel---vhr-result/84---panel---where-we-need-more-information
Step Where we need more information
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Where we need more information
More information results api response
VHR results dashboard tile component