Get your flu vaccination

Protect yourself - get a flu vaccination. 


Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/flu-vaccination/flu-vaccination-landing
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Get a flu vaccination once each membership year for 1,000 points

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/flu-vaccination/flu-vaccination-landing/01-how-it-works
Step How it works
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Panel visible on load?: false
How it works

Complete every
(membership year) 

1,000 points



Make an appointment with a health professional (i.e. your GP or local pharmacy) to receive the flu vaccine


Download the AIA Vitality Advanced Screening form and bring it with you when visiting your Health Professional


Get the form signed at your appointment


Once you're done, select the date you received the vaccine below and upload an image/scan of your signed form

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/flu-vaccination/flu-vaccination-landing/02-assessment
Step Submit check-up details
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Panel visible on load?: false
Submit check-up details

* required

Edit form


Please provide proof of completing your check-up by uploading your completed AIA Vitality Advanced Screening form.

The following file formats are accepted: PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIF, TIFF, GIF

Documents selected: *
Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/flu-vaccination/flu-vaccination-landing/03-faqs
Step FAQs
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Where can I get the flu vaccination done?

The flu vaccination needs to be administered via a recognised health professional - either your GP or a nurse.  We also recommend checking in with your HR team at work as many companies host 'flu vaccine days' to provide free flu vaccinations for staff.

Some local pharmacies may also offer flu vaccine appointments.

Make sure your chosen health professional signs the completed AIA Vitality Advanced Screening form so you can receive 1,000 AIA Vitality points. 


I don't believe in getting the flu vaccination - do I have to get it?

It's entirely up to you as to which parts of the AIA Vitality program you choose to participate in. You don't have to get the flu vaccination if you don't want to.  


I don't think I need the flu vaccination, is there a way for me to get the 1,000 points still without getting the vaccination?

Unfortunately not.  You'll need to get the flu vaccination in order to get the points.