Mental Wellbeing Assessment

Three assessments to understand your stressors, psychological wellbeing and social support.


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Take the Mental Wellbeing Assessment twice a year to earn up to 1,500 points

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Step How it works
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How it works

Complete every
6 months

1,500 points
per year

The Mental Wellbeing Assessment evaluates three areas of The Stress Model:

  1. Psychological wellbeing
  2. Stressors
  3. Social support

Each one is worth 250 points.

Complete all three (750 points) twice per membership year, 6 months apart, to earn 1,500 points per year.

The points will be awarded once you've hit submit and you'll also be able to view your results for each assessment.


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Start assessments
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This is general information only. The results of each of these assessments or tools cannot replace any advice from a doctor or other health professional. You should obtain professional advice from a medical practitioner, pharmacist, dentist, nutritionist or other appropriate health professional in relation to your own personal circumstances or in relation to the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. You should not discontinue any treatment you may be receiving on the basis of information reflected on this site without first consulting your healthcare provider. Medicines you use for your physical or mental health may also affect the results of your assessments or tools. You should also seek professional advice immediately should any symptoms you may be experiencing persist. If necessary, you should regularly consult with such a professional. For further information, please see our Terms and Conditions.

Any information you provide as part of the assessments or tools will not be provided to the underwriting or claims departments of AIA Australia Ltd and therefore will not be used in the making of any future underwriting or claims decisions. Under no circumstances will AIA Australia Ltd be deemed to have knowledge of any AIA Vitality–related information in respect of its underwriting and claims functions. In accordance with your statutory duty of disclosure, you are still obliged to disclose any of this information to the extent it may be relevant in the event of any future application for insurance cover with AIA Australia Ltd. For more information please see our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.