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Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/go/earnpoints/mental-wellbeing-assessment/mental-wellbeing-landing-page/02-psychological-wellbeing/psychological-wellbeing-assessment/panel-step-1
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false

Your psychological wellbeing

Psychological wellbeing icon

For each question or statement, click on the response that best reflects your circumstances.

Try not to spend too long thinking about a question - just be open and honest with yourself.

* required

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/go/earnpoints/mental-wellbeing-assessment/mental-wellbeing-landing-page/02-psychological-wellbeing/psychological-wellbeing-assessment/panel---result
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: true

Psychological wellbeing results

Psychological wellbeing icon


Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/go/earnpoints/mental-wellbeing-assessment/mental-wellbeing-landing-page/02-psychological-wellbeing/psychological-wellbeing-assessment/panel---result/00-about
Step Psychological states
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Psychological states

This assessment gives you a picture of your current and recent levels of psychological wellbeing.

This may not be a reflection of your usual levels of wellbeing, so it's worth doing this assessment again in six months or sooner, to see how your levels of positive and negative emotions, anxiety and energy might have changed.

It will then also be useful for you to examine what has been happening in your life that may have improved or worsened your psychological state.

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/go/earnpoints/mental-wellbeing-assessment/mental-wellbeing-landing-page/02-psychological-wellbeing/psychological-wellbeing-assessment/panel---result/01-api-response
Step Your results
Collapsed on load: false
Panel visible on load?: false
Your results


Well-being assessment api response