View and achieve goals

Complete your AIA Vitality Health Review and receive health goals to work towards. 


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Earn up to 1,000 points when you achieve a goal

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/goals/goals-landing/01-how-it-works
Step How it works
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How it works

We'll recommend some goals to help you improve or maintain your health, depending on the information you've provided in the AIA Vitality Health Review.


To start, click on the goals you would like to activate (so you can ultimately work towards them) in your 'To do' list below


You'll see details specific to that goal, how long you have to complete it and the AIA Vitality points available for it


Click on 'Activate Goal'
Completed Goals will appear in the 'Completed Goals' section below
Once activated, you can cancel a goal at anytime

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/goals/goals-landing/02-to-do
Step To do
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To do
User goals component

There are currently no goals available. Please check back later.

Panel Path: /content/au-aiavitality/en/rest/earnpoints/goals/goals-landing/04-faqs
Step FAQs
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How long do I get to reach my goal?

Each goal runs for a period of 13 weeks from the date you activate it.


What if I'm close to achieving my Goals but have just fallen short - do I get any AIA Vitality points?

No, you need to successfully achieve your Goal/s by the advised date in order to earn AIA Vitality points.


Why didn't I get extra points for completing the AIA Vitality Health Check when it was recommended to me as a Goal?

The system recommends you complete the AIA Vitality Health Check so specific goals around improving your own health are able to be generated. Points are awarded for completing the AIA Vitality Health Check, (regardless if it's been recommended as a Goal or not), so you don't receive any additional points. 


How are these goals relevant to me?

Your individual Goals have been determined using the information you provided during the AIA Vitality Health Review - these Goals are designed to assist you in focusing your efforts to the behaviours that will help you become (or remain) healthy. 


What if I have accidentally cancelled a goal I've been working on - do I have to start all over again?

Yes, once a goal has been cancelled, it is unable to be reinstated from the date it was cancelled.  The goal will restart. 

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This is general information only. The results of each of these assessments or tools cannot replace any advice from a doctor or other health professional. You should obtain professional advice from a medical practitioner, pharmacist, dentist, nutritionist or other appropriate health professional in relation to your own personal circumstances or in relation to the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. You should not discontinue any treatment you may be receiving on the basis of information reflected on this site without first consulting your healthcare provider. Medicines you use for your physical or mental health may also affect the results of your assessments or tools. You should also seek professional advice immediately should any symptoms you may be experiencing persist. If necessary, you should regularly consult with such a professional. For further information, please see our Terms and Conditions.

Any information you provide as part of the assessments or tools will not be provided to the underwriting or claims departments of AIA Australia Ltd and therefore will not be used in the making of any future underwriting or claims decisions. Under no circumstances will AIA Australia Ltd be deemed to have knowledge of any AIA Vitality–related information in respect of its underwriting and claims functions. In accordance with your statutory duty of disclosure, you are still obliged to disclose any of this information to the extent it may be relevant in the event of any future application for insurance cover with AIA Australia Ltd. For more information please see our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.